About Us

Welcome to Bhadauria Renewable Energy Service

At Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services, we are committed to revolutionizing the renewable energy sector through innovation, sustainability, and excellence. As a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, we strive to harness the power of nature to create a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Our Mission

Our mission is to accelerate the global transition to renewable energy by delivering innovative, reliable, and cost-effective solutions that meet the energy needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations. We are dedicated to providing our clients with cutting-edge renewable...


Bhadauria Renewable Energy Service provides expert solutions in Compressed Biogas (CBG), Biogas Plant installation, and CBG Implementation, driving sustainable energy initiatives for a cleaner environment and efficient resource utilization.


Compressed Biogas

As of my last update, I don't have specific information on a company named "Bhadauria Renewable Ener...

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Biogas Plant

As of my last update in January 2022, I don't have specific information about the Biogas Plant of Bh...

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CBG Implementation

To implement Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services (BRES) using a Community-Based Green (CBG) approach...

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Why Choose Us

Choose Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services

  • Expertise: With years of experience in the renewable energy industry, our team of experts possesses the knowledge, skills, and resources to deliver superior solutions tailored to our clients' specific needs.

  • Innovation: We are at the forefront of innovation, constantly exploring new technologies and solutions to optimize energy production, maximize efficiency, and minimize environmental impact.

  • Quality Assurance: We adhere to the highest standards of quality assurance and safety protocols to ensure that our products and services meet or exceed industry standards and regulatory requirements.

  • Customer Focus: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and provide personalized solutions that deliver tangible results and value for their investment.

  • Sustainability: We are deeply committed to sustainability in everything we do. From our energy-efficient solutions to our environmentally friendly practices, we strive to minimize our carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable future.

Compressed Biogas

Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services (BRES) pioneers in Compressed Biogas (CBG), transforming organic waste into clean energy. BRES offers end-to-end solutions, from plant setup to distribution, fostering sustainability and waste management. Through innovation and community engagement, BRES drives the transition to eco-friendly energy sources.

Biogas Plant

Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services (BRES) designs and installs biogas plants, utilizing organic waste for clean energy production. Through expert engineering and community engagement, BRES fosters sustainable waste management while providing renewable energy solutions. Empowering communities, BRES advances environmentally-friendly practices for a greener future.

CBG Implementation

Bhadauria Renewable Energy Services (BRES) employs a Community-Based Green (CBG) approach, engaging local communities in renewable energy solutions. Through tailored initiatives, capacity building, and community ownership, BRES installs and maintains solar, wind, and bioenergy systems. Empowering communities fosters sustainability and ensures the success of renewable energy projects.

32 +

Team Members

121 +

Projects Done

96 +

Happy Clients

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